Code of Ethics

View our code of ethics

Review 10/15/2021

Code of Ethics

1. Introduction

This Code of Ethics brings together the guidelines that must be observed in our professional action in order to achieve ever higher ethical standards in the exercise of our activities. It reflects our cultural identity and the commitments we make in the markets in which we operate.

2. Scope

This Code of Ethics applies to all professionals who have a relationship with the Baumer Group: employees, suppliers of products or services, a network of commercial agents, customers, shareholders and other related parties.

3. General Principles

The Company is convinced that, in order to consolidate and develop, it must start from business objectives and precise ethical principles that are shared by professionals, contractors and outsourced workers. We are a company that operates in the medical hospital market with a view to continuous development, performance leadership and customer satisfaction. One of our most important objectives is to maintain our reputation as a solid and reliable company, aware of our social and business responsibility, which pursues results in an honest, fair, legal and transparent manner. Our action must always be marked by integrity, trust and loyalty, as well as respect and appreciation of human beings in their privacy, individuality and dignity. Professionals, contractors and outsourced workers must be committed to protecting the Company's values ​​and image, maintaining a posture compatible with this image and these values ​​and acting in defense of the Company's interests. The search for the development of our Company must be based on these principles, with the confidence that our actions are guided by the highest ethical standards

4. Conduct

All professionals, contractors and outsourced workers must understand and follow the Code of Ethics in their internal relationships. If the professional is not sure whether an activity is ethical or appropriate, he should seek assistance from the Ethics Committee.

5. Discrimination

We reject any attitude guided by prejudice related to origin, ethnicity, sex, age, physical characteristics and any other form of discrimination

6. Conflicts of Interest

The hiring of employees, contractors or suppliers who are relatives, spouses and partners in a stable union will only be accepted with the approval of the Ethics Committee, provided that there is no subordination relationship or conflict of interest.

7. Gifts

It is unacceptable: Suggest, offer, grant, promise or receive courtesies, contributions and favors of any nature to people and companies in the public and private sectors, third sector or members of political parties, as well as governmental bodies, in exchange for or by way of facilitating business, operations or activities or seeking undue benefits for oneself or for third parties. In case of doubt, ask or contact the Ethics Committee.

8. Commercial, Competition, Suppliers, Shareholders and Investors

8.1 Relationship with Customers

The commitment to the satisfaction of our customers must be reflected in the respect for their rights and in the search for solutions that meet their interests, always in line with the Company's development and profitability objectives. Serve customers with courtesy and efficiency, offering clear, accurate and transparent information. The customer must obtain responses, even if negative, to their requests, in an appropriate manner and within the timeframe expected by them. Avoid giving preferential treatment to anyone out of personal interest or feeling. It is important that all relationships with customers and other parties are based on lawful, efficient and fair business practices. Reasonable business expenses in the form of meals are allowed. These expenditures must always be made in an appropriate and lawful manner and in accordance with company policy. The sale of goods and services to government organizations is highly regulated. Employees involved in sales to government customers must take appropriate necessary to ensure that all government-related transactions and relationships comply with applicable laws and regulations, including the provision of gifts.

8.2 Relations with Competitors

Fair competition must be the basic element in all our operations and relationships with other companies in the market. This includes not making comments or contributing to the spread of rumors to competing companies. The provision of non-public information from our companies must always be preceded by the signing of a confidentiality agreement between the parties, approved by the executive board. It is prohibited to provide or obtain information from our Company or competitors, promote economic espionage practices, or obtain plans and actions from competitors through devious methods.

8.3 Relationships with Suppliers

The choice and contracting of suppliers must be based on technical criteria, pr professional, ethical and needs-based, and must be conducted through a predetermined process, such as competition or price quotation, which guarantee the best cost-benefit ratio. Avoid doing business with reputable suppliers

8.4 Political and associative activities

9. Company property

Professionals must care for the Company's values ​​and image, maintaining a compatible posture and acting in defense of our interests. The pursuit of development must be based on these principles, with the confidence that our actions are guided by the highest ethical standards. In particular, the following behaviors are NOT acceptable: • Speak up on behalf of the company when not authorized or qualified to do so; • Use for private purposes or pass on to third parties technologies, methodologies, know-how and other information owned by the Company or developed or obtained by it. Examples of expected conduct compatible with the Company's values ​​and the search for results are: • Honestly acknowledge the mistakes made and immediately inform your superior; • Questioning guidelines contrary to the Company's principles and values; • Present constructive criticism and suggestions aimed at improving the quality of the work.

10. Relationships in the work environment

Relationships in the work environment must be guided by courtesy and respect. Collaborate so that team spirit, loyalty, trust, conduct compatible with the Company's values ​​and the search for results prevail. When in the role of people manager, keep in mind that your professionals will take you as an example. Your actions, therefore, should constitute a model of conduct for your team. The use of the position to request favors or personal services from subordinates is not allowed. It is essential to recognize the merit of each one and provide equal access to existing professional development opportunities, according to the characteristics, skills and contributions of each professional. No decision that affects the professional career of subordinates based solely on personal relationships is allowed. Our choices and attitudes both positively influence the trust we receive and generate discredit, giving rise to personal and professional dissatisfaction. Hence the importance of qualifying our professional conduct. As a result, it is necessary: • Learning from the mistakes made, recognizing them and proposing possible prevention mechanisms, given their potential to cause harm to other colleagues; • Carry out their work conscientiously, with integrity, diligence and loyalty to the interests of the company;

11. Notification

Caso o profissional presencie uma violação deste código de Ética, deve informar imediatamente seu superior imediato ou o Comitê de Ética pelo e-mail Se preferir faça a denúncia de forma anônima, clicando aqui. A denúncia também pode ser feita por escrito usando as caixas de correio existentes nas Unidades, preenchendo a Comunicação de Possível Não Conformidade com o Código de Conduta – AN.02, que está disponível no na aba impressos. Todas as notificações serão tratadas de forma sigilosa buscando a correção o mais rápido possível. Ao fazer isto, você se preservará, cumprindo seu dever e reforçando os princípios éticos da Empresa. Essa notificação poderá ser feita de forma anônima ou identificada.

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